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Model help

.igs .stp .obj there are probably more but no reason to list them. .stp is probably the best to use. .igs may lose surfaces in the translation.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
Max does do IGES now a days. Back in the day it was only a polygon modeler. And even pre 1999 you could not import that polygon data back to Pro/E.

Post Wildfire days you can do quite a bit w/ polygons inside Pro/E. For example you can import stl geometry now. Convert your polygon data to polygons in Max and you can still get an import to Pro/E. If you have surfacing inside MAX then keep in as a surface and import STEP or IGES.
There are translation softwares out there that you can either download for free(trial version) or buy. That is what you will need to do if the current format is readable by Pro-E.

