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model relations


New member
Hi all!

1.) Is pro/program available in wf3 or is it an add/on module?

2.)You canturn features on/off, ina model or anassembly, with relations & family tables. Is it possible to use relations to turn part visibility on/off, in an assembly, without family tables or pro/program? I'm hoping that it's just my syntax that's the problem.

3.) I have a holepattern that consists of 3 vertical holes, evenly spacedon 1/2 inch centers. I need to pattern them again but horizontally. The problem is that I have a parameterthat makes the horizontal direction varyin4 inch increments. I may need a pattern of 3 columnsat 16 inches, 4 columns at 20 inchesor 7 at 24 inches.

Atable pattern seems too tedious. Could I write arelation using a direction pattern, that combines all 3 options & what would the proper syntax be?
1. It is installed standard with Pro/E but you need the advanced assembly extension to run it.


3.Either add a second direction to your pattern or pattern the existing pattern. WF3 it is possible to pattern a pattern without some sort of work around
2) If you have the capability (license) to create Simplified Reps then this is your best bet. Even if you want to swap out components (Substitute) this is possible with Simp. Reps. Pro/Program and Relations are really more powerful when used to control multiple value configurations (dimensions, etc.) and are overkill when used for part visibility.
Edited by: jason_

