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Model spliting


New member
Does anybody know how to split object that I made i to several segments that can make perfect asembly together without any pairs clearance.

Like this model for example, it is made as one model i full and I wand to plit it in to several segmets as separate parts and save it.
Create a 'Master' assembly and add your full 'bike' to it.
Then create new sub-assembles in Master eg 'top tube', and
Edit>Component Ops>Merge/Copy/Cut 'bike' into each of them.
Remove the bits off 'bike' that you don't want in each

If you're careful what features you use to do the cutting
ops it will be reasonably robust.

Family Table would do it as well.

-create copies of the solid surfs
-create cutting surfs
-Use surface merge to create surfs for each part
-copy/paste surfs within assembly to a part file for each part.

Those are the simplified steps. Read up on top down design for more info.
google "top down design"


