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Model tree auto scrolling issue


New member
Hello all.
Just discovered this forum today and have pretty much spent the entire work day looking through all the info and knowledge available here. I've finally found answers to many of the niggling little things that make me swear at proe regularly. Thanks goes out to everyone!

Can anyone help me with this small issue in WF3?

I am working with a model with about 150 features in the model tree. When I want to modify a features sketch, for example a simple extrude, the model tree automatically scrolls itself so the feature is at the bottom of the model tree window. Every single time. This is incredibly annoying because if I want to modify the sketch again I have to scroll the tree again so I can expand the feature to access the sketch directly. I am tired of constantly having to scroll the model tree so I can see a certain range of features, only to have proe then decide it has a better idea. Not only that, proe also collapses the feature, so I am constantly scrolling and expanding the same feature over and over again.

I'm sure there has to be an option to prevent this happening but I can not find one. Any suggestions?

