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Model tree of component being assembled


New member
How can I show the model tree of a component while I am assembling it? I have several parts that I am assembling that have many datum planes, and I would prefer not to show them and try to pick through all of them on the model itself. I know in 2001 it was possible to show the new component's model tree in a second window, but I can't find anything like that in WF2.0.
you can also still assemble in a separate window. the icon in the top left of the component placement window will put the part you wish to assemble in a separate window. Then, you can turn on your datums and more easily select the one you want.

I was hoping to be able to actually see the model tree. I guess I'll have to suffer with ctrl-f instead. I sure am glad they removed that useful functionality from Pro/E 2001.
mekaneck said:
I was hoping to be able to actually see the model tree. I guess I'll have to suffer with ctrl-f instead. I sure am glad they removed that useful functionality from Pro/E 2001.

Dare I say that SW has this functionality...............


