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ModelCheck - proe2001


New member
Pro-e 2001 datecode 490
I have a parameter ARTICOLO of type YesNo in all models, and need it in the BOMs
Pro-e 2001 Info-BOM command has a bug (?) that it does not write values for YesNo parameters to the BOM

As a workaround, I have thought to add a relation that creates a new parameter (ART) of type STRING based on the value of the YesNo parameter (ARTICOLO) :

If Articolo
Art = "Y"
Art = "N"

I think that Modelcheck could do the job of adding this relation to all models, but I have no clue how to configure ModelCheck to do this.
A quick HOW TO ADD a relation using modelCheck would be appreciated.

I'm not exactly sure on how to do it, but you should be able to open the MODELCHECK config file and type in a relation to add that parameter. It should be located in Program Files-->Pro/e folder. Again, I'm not sure what you have to type in to get it to work.


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