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Modeling a machining operation


New member
I'm trying to model an endmilling operation simulating the following:

Start with a block, end endmill is tracking across the top surface and begins a plunge cut into the block as it tracks.

I constructed a curve to represent the toolpath, and then create a variable section sweep with a constant section direction.

This is course fails due to the tangengcy of the section to the curve at where the endmill is tracking across the surface and has not yet begun the plunge cut.

Is there any way I can model this accurately?



Use, MDX setup servos to both pieces, the endmill and the workpiece, then run an analysis, and create an envelope resulting from themovements,then cut out from the original workpiece.

I was doing something like that, to simulate a 4-axis machinig operation with a ballnose, tru a cilindrical workpice A-axis.

Otherwise setup your nc sequeance let say EdgeCAM, run your simulation and then create a STL, of your resulting model, I think that Proe can't handle it still.


PablO ulloa
This pic is the essence of what I am trying to model...

Because the trajectory comes in tangent to the top surface of the block, a constant normal direction for the section fails at that point.

Here is a variable section sweep using that same curve (also with a constant normal direction for the section)...

The reason that this has not failed is because I altered the trajectory to within .5 degrees of being tangent to the top surface.

The problem with this is that it doesn't represent the result of the actual machining operation.

I have a feeling that this is simply a limitation of the ability of pro-e to deal with a theoretical tangent point... kinda like asking it to divide by zero.

In any case, if you have a workaround for this, please let me know.



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