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Modeling problems


New member
Hi all,

I am trying to do some modelling of the below item.

I was told by someone that I should be able to model it with using revolve but that doesnt seem to work for me. Do I need to use a curved datum somehow?

I am new to Pro/E and have been using it for less than 10 hoursjust so you know:)

I am hoping someone can help me here. Thanks in advance.
Edited by: IHAStudent
From the dimensions you've taken create a centerline trajectory for the part and create a sweep or variable section sweep.
To create a variable section sweep:

1) Make a sketch of the trajectory, you can probably use the side or front datum planes for this.The trajectory for this will be following the center of the part section from beginning to end

2) Click on the variable section sweep icon, in my version of wildfire it is located just below the revolve icon. When the variable sweep dashboard opens up, click on the references tab, then click on the section plane control and pick Constant Normal Direction.

3) You need to tell wildfire what the trajectory is so if the trajectory you sketched is not already highlighted go ahead and pick it.

4)Click on the create section icon, it is located just above the options tab. Draw the section with the center at the beginning of the trajectory. Adjust dimensions of sketch, middle click twice.
Ok I've had some time to work on it and it worked nicely. Thanks for the help to the both of you.


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