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Modeling Question


New member
Hello to all

I need to model part similar with shape to the crane lift hook, or draw
bar hook. This is variable section part forged with hook shape.

My thoughts:

- Sweep is not good, because of lack variable section option.

- VSS is working only well only along straight trajectory (?)

- Blend, very uncertain way and I am not sure if is possible (need to place some of

cros section, along curve trajectory.

Please share with me with some of ideas how to model this part. I am using WF2

Thank you

> VSS is working only well only along straight trajectory (?)

marek, if you'll post 2 completed VSS tutorials I'll post the wf2 model.

However, by the time you get thru them you probably won't need it.

> Blend, very uncertain way

Not a good idea except for 'soft details' between established surface
geometry, imho. Trying to set up a dozen cross sections and blending
thru them is really 'low end' and a general waste of time (again, imho).
Hello Jeff

I would love to have your presented file, to track and understand step by step your procedures.

My problem with tutorials is very simple. I am learner "from the detail to general"

What means, I need to see sample first, then I go to more broad and
general point of view. The tutorial has not enough sufficient examples
and uses very "scientific and isolated language", in contrary to other
CAD packages as Solid Works, Inventor or Autocad. I experienced some of
surprises, when native english speaking colleges, they couldn't
understand PTC tutorial and their intentions.

So, of course, I went through the tutorial, printed out looking at your image and trying quess how to accomplish nirvana.

Thank you,

> in contrary to other CAD packages
> as Solid Works, Inventor or Autocad.

I would have settled for 1 honest effort.
Now it will definitely take 2.

Or if you can show me a couple of posts where you tried
to help (a shortcut to Nirvana?) someone solve a problem.

I agree. Examining a model is one of the best ways to learn
and can contribute to a more comprehensive 'education' than
free published tutorials. If you search the forum archives
you should be able to find ascore or more VSS models posted.

Or maybe search the Files area for "hook"?
(It's much nicer than the simplistic blob in my pic.

