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Modeling Tapped Holes Best Practice


New member

As this is my first post, i will introduce myself.

I am 21, and a engineer. I have come through themodern apprenticeship programs, and have achieved a HNC in Electronic Engineering and I am currently studying Part Time for a BEng Degree.I work in the R & D department (5/6 People)in a small engineering company(30+),and I have been using Pro/E for 2.5 years, and i am currently the only user, since the previous engineer retired.

....Anyway. Onto the post.

As a small company, we only have 2 seats of Pro/E (WF3.0) and no CAM System. All parts are contracted out to small engineering companies for manufacture, via the drawings only.As the next step, i have contacted a prototyping company to help achieve more effiency in production of prototypes, and so they will use the models to produce Part programmes. When producing models for a CAM system to process, what is the best practice,for producing tapped holes:

a) Using the hole tool to produce a tapped hole.

b) Using the hole tool, to produce a simple hole and thencreate a cosmetic thread.

c) Extruded a hole using extrude, then createcosmetic thread.

I have seen all three done, in previous model in our company. And guessing c) is a no no for a CAM system to process?

I would appreciate your views.


I agree with PRStockhausen. Ask the vendor what he would perfer. But really all three of your methods will work fine. We use all three of your techniques here where I work. We do all of our own programming in house and I have never heard the programmers complain of the different techiques. And believe me if one of the techniques would make their job easier believe me they would let us know.
Couldn't agree more. At the end of the day its all just geom. The only real question is what do you prefer. I find when at concept stage extrusions are prefect. Add in hole features at the detail level.



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