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I have a P4 3.0GHz with 1GB RAM and an ATi Fire GL X2 256t Graphics
card. The OS is XP SP2 and I'm running Solidworks 2005 at SP5.0.
When I create even the simplest of sketches and extrude it, it may take
4 or 5 seconds to generate the solid. Should I then create
another feature this is generated 'instantly' The following
feature may then take a few seconds to generate and the next one will
be instant. And so it goes on. I have had no success from
the Solidworks reseller/maintenance firm. I have created a
seperate partition on the hard drive and installed XP and Solidworks to
try and eliminate and interaction from another application. This
had no effect. I have also replaced the ATi graphics card with a
3DLabs WildCat Realizm 200. This made no difference either.
I have run the RX test within Solidworks and sent this to our
reseller/maintenance firm, but they are unable to solve the problem.

Has anyone experienced similar problems and hence can point me in the right direction to solve this.
You probably have already tried this or the reseller has pointed you in this direction but you can change the performance settings under the tools\options\performance tab. You might be able to adjust your settings to speed things up and fix the glitch. There might also be some settings in within the video card that need to be changed or drivers updated. I checked out my video card on the Solidworks website to see if its compatible. Your system seems like it should handle Solidworks fine and this seems like a strange problem. The only timeI run into build problems is when I make a part with to many features or and assembly with to many parts. Solidworks is fairly memory intensive program and it will slow down and act strange if it doesnt have enough memory. I have not experienced exactly what you are going through but I do run into problems sometimes. Hopefully this will help you out if not it may take reinstalling SWs and the service packs. Good luck.

