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modelling a car


New member
HI...i have started to model a car (E 200 mercedes-benz), and now i am modellingthe bonnet..

i would like to know from those who have gone through such a projects (modelling cars)..what is better to use STYLE or Variable Section Sweep..??

if there are any tutorials, tips or hints i ll be thankfull if u attach them....
I don't see many reason to use VSS in making a vehicle. I personally use surfaces thru boundary blends but style for cosmetic purposes works very well also.
Hey Raedbenz. VSS defo have their place within surfacing. They can maintain thecurvature of a surface around a trajectory without "wobbles" in the surface. It really does depend on what you are doing. if you're generating very accurate surfaces for the merc then your really goona have to have a go and see what works. But most its like what CP says, your find that you will become very close and personal with the ole boundary blend feature!!
in order to use boundary blend tool u have draw curves.

how doyou draw them in 3-D(i mean a curve that is twisted in all directions)..
Projecting or intersectingcurves is the most straight forward way to get started off. There are a few other ways but this one will get you going a bit quicker as you can see the geo you are creating a bit more clearer with this one. Attached is a part showing a very simple boudary blended surface with someintersected curves.

Also, its going to be quite a bit of a learning curve on this one, quite a few new tecniques so be patient. :) If you can give me your email address I have a little tutorial that I could send on to you.


