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Modelling a transomed conveyor belt


New member

I know I'm fishing on this one, but here goes anyway....

Has anyone out there in MCADland ever modelled a transomed (troughed)closed section rubber conveyor belt. I have developed a model (based on a neutral axis curve) but have had to use four seperate protrusions (two sweeps & 2 swept blends. The two sweeps control the flat return section and the transomed 'working' section, while the swept blends control the transition sections) to form the belt itself. This is a rather ugly solution. I am hoping that I can use a VSS to do this but have not been able to do so.....


PS show a Multitrough Troughing Idler
looks good to me, but I think you could do it with one feature.

you said you used 2 sweeps and 2 swept blends. Why not use just one swept blend that incorporates all the sections? Just a thought.

I tried to do that originally but ran into a problem that I couldn't get around.

When I defined the swept blend (based on neutral axis curve) I wasn't able to define a sketch at the point at the end of what is now the transition section. as I toggled thru the avaliable points, I was only able to pick points where there was a change on angle on the curve (the transition is on a flat part of the curve)

Hence why I was wondering if there was some way of using a VSS

I think you have a sketched curve that gives you the trajectory so you can divide that flat part of the curve with "divide an entity at the point of selection" this one is on the arrowwhere the trim button is. And you will have a point there to define a sketch.

Or you could make a swept blend with select sections, but this will require for you to make a sketch on every point along the curve and then using swept blend you only select these sketches and the trajectory. But you will have to make some more planes in every point to be able to sketch.

But the first one should work if you divide the flat part of the curve.


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