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Modelling Contacts in Mechanica


New member
Hi guys and gals

I am reasonable low tech with mechanica so be kind :)

An example of what I am wanting to do is as follows.

Take a V belt pulley mounted so the belt hangs vertically. Cut the belt so there is only one side naging down, weld the other end to the pulley at the end of the belt. Lock the pulley XYZ,RX,RY,RZ. Hand mass from the end of the dangling belt, look at the contact stresses that result.

This is the first stage of the problem. My understanding of the little I have done with contacts in ProMechanica is I need to have the items seperated a bit and then apply loads to bring them together, the contact regions effectivley block the two objects passing through one another.?

Any pointers on this would be greatly appreciated.



