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Modify component in assembly


New member
I want to update component dimensions by linking it to a dimension created in assembly.
Like- I have part A which has extrude length of 100.I will add it in assembly then I have a dimension value called "Length" which is assigned to a datum then modifying this length value should update extrude in part A.
How do I link this.

is the datum with the "length" in the asm? . You can put this in a skeletonpart and copythe datuminto the part A and assign your extrude to it . ("top down design")

the main thing here is copy goemetry between parts .

YEs,the datum is in assembly . Please elaborte more on the procedure to put this as a skeleton part.

Do you have AAX? can you create a skeletonpart?

Othervise , in your .asm you can create a new part (B) that contains your datum (to control the lenght) and add some goemetry to a flat surf or something. Then in your asm, you activate th part you want to copyIN to (A), and use copy/paste of that geometry ( from B, the geo thats on the datum) . In your part (A) you can thenuse this new copied surface as referencefor the lenght.

I suppose that would work, you can probably use merge/inheritance too..but i got Aax so i cant try that here.

If you got AAX, then just skip all above and create a part (B) with the datum , length. Then in (A) use copy geometry and pick the datum from B, and use it for reference the length of your extrude.

search for "top down design", or "copy geometry" and you will probably find moreabout this..


