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modifying a group


New member
Hi everyone. I have a mountingboss on my part that is in 4 locations, rotated around a center axis. I created the boss with a bunch of features, which I grouped, then patterned four times. No problem, worked great.

The problem I'm having is that this is very conceptual and a few times the boss has changed and I've needed to add or delete features from my group and I haven't seen anyway to do that. What I've been doing is rolling back to the group in the tree, deleting the pattern, ungrouping, doing my changes then recreating the group and pattern again.

How do I add or delete features in an existing group, and also can I reorder features in a group. That didn't seem to work either.


Normally you can just drag features in the Model Tree to add, remove to a
Group or re-order within a Group. I don't think I've ever done so on a
Group that's been Patterned, though, so don't know if it all still works
the same way.

(Dragging out of a Group requires, I think, you to have a feature after the
Group that you can 'leap frog' or it just falls back in. The behavior can
be a little confusing and you may have to play with it to get a 'feel' for
what's happening.)

