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Mold Making

New member
Hello Everybody...

Eventhough its not the correct place to post this topic,
i am posting my question out here... please help me out.

what is Soft Mold?
whats the longevity of the soft mold?

i searched in net for the answers, but couldn't able to
find one...

so please help me out friends...

Thanks in advance...

i am still confused in that.. Dont know whether it refers
to silicone molding or something else..

can u put some light on this topic of soft mold or soft
tooling.. ?
Hi Jim,

Regardyour question "what is soft mold". Please find my opinion as below for your reference.

The soft moldis the cavity and core steel hardness is under HRC 35

The soft mold longevity is from 1000 shots to 500,000 shots. It depends on the steel, alunimium is 1000 shots, S50C is 20,000 shots, P20 is 500,000 shots.

The hard moldis the cavity and core steel harness is above HRC45

The steel need be heat treament. the steel is H13, S136, 420SS, 1.2344, 8407,S7 etc. The mold lingevity is above 1,000,000 shots. Hope these information can help you. more information about injection molds please visit

Edited by: Golden Mold

