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Mortorcycle Model Needed


New member
I am looking for a model of amotorcycle to use in a patent application. The bike will be for reference only. The patent is for a motorcycle accessory similar to a trailer towed behind the bike. The ideal model would be a very plain, generic looking bike resembling a large Honda or Harley. The fewer features, the better. I work in Wildfire 3, then export a PDF into Adobe Illustrator to make the patent drawing. I could model up a bike but I am running very short on time. Everything has to be complete by November 30. I would prefer native ProE files so I could assemble the accessory to the bike. Does anyone have such a modelthey would be willing to sell for a reasonable fee?
(I hope this isn't considered an advertisement.)

(I am traveling 13 -18<SUP>th</SUP>, and will have limited email access.)<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I sent an email to mark at DBBP and am waiting for a reply.

The bikes at 3dcasbrowser look fine but I don't think I can use any of the file formats inside of Wildfire. Most of the file types appear to be geared toward rendering. I might be able to do something in Photoshop/Illustrator, but would rather work in ProE. Does anyone know if this can be done in ProE? Maybe with the STL files?

Magneplaner, thanks for the tip....however...

I joined 3dcadbrower and bought a very nice bike model. I downloaded .asc, .dxf, .obj and .stl (binary and ASCII). I was able to insert the first three file types into a part, but I can only get shaded or wireframe viewing, which I kind of expected. I have to have a hidden line drawing for the patent application. Is there a way to convert/process any of these files to get a hidden line model?

Only 10 days left, any help is much appreciated; I really don't want to have to model an entire bike!

Update: I did have some sucess with the HLR config option. The hidden lines go away but the surfaces are still faceted. (see picture) I don't think the patent office will alow this. They allow allow line art with "stippled" shading generally to show curvature, a planar surface, etc.

View attachment 4453

You do have some options with modules such as "restyle" to deal with the faceted data. You can also use other software to turn the facets into a surface model usable in pro-e, if you do not have access to those pro-e modules.

you can also look into software such as this:

to turn the data into something usable.


Hey BartN, I know you already have a Motorcycle Model but here is another site incase its any use to you. - you have to pay for models but they are very good quality models.

I have a good deal of experience doing documents for Patents, are you sure that your not getting too bogged down in the background details. After all I have done patent application with nothing more than hand sketches, these were worldwide patents for medical device.


I agree with what Paddy's saying. I have used CAD models for patents but hand sketches are widely used throughout patent applications.

You could assembly your model in ProE, print out your views and then trace over them to produce the final artwork for the patent.

Paddy and Michael,

I absolutely agree that I am doing more than is required by the patent office. But this is part of a much larger job for a well paying client. I'm reverse engineering their existingproduct(s) and tooling and creatinga complete documentation package. I'm also designing the new product to be patented based on thier idea. Finally I'm creating some renderings of thier product(s) with ARX and photoshop. That said, and the fact that I'm really bad at any kind of tracing or real artwork, I'd really like to "do it right" by using a nice clean model in the patent drawings.

Thanks again for all the suggestions.

Hey Bart, if your looking for some real nice renders then should give hypershot a try. Its real easy to use and you can get some really nicce images out very qickly. Bit limited though.

Did you get sorted with your issue??


I tried hypershot a few weeks ago, but just for a few minutes. Based on the hype on this forum I expected a bit more, but maybe I didn't spend enough time with it. Also, after 6 months with ARX I'm finally able to get some decent renders, so I'm reluctant to change. The aforementioned customer actually mistook a render I made of his tooling for a photograph - made my day!

As far as my original problem, no, I still dont havea motorcycle model I can use. I was a little surprised no one was interested in picking up a small modeling job.I started to post what I would be willing to pay for the model but I thought it might violate the no advertising rules. I'm going to look at the other site you mentioned for models this evening, but what I really want to end up with is a native proE model. With all the time I've spent looking for one I probably could have modeled it by now!

I have a motoguzzi engine and a chopper or two modeled in Pro/E. What motorcycle do you need and how much is it worth and to what detail.

I could rough out any bike in 20 to 30 hrs including fairings and lamps. Ill do it while in Miami this week!


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