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Most useful mapkeys


New member
I know this has been discussed before but I thought it would be useful to compile a list of particularly useful mapkeys. A list of all the mapkeys you use is not very useful, but just the ones you think make a lot of difference.

I find the following extremely useful as I can quickly select and change features within
assembly mode without moving my mouse half way across the screen and

SS for Smart Selection Filter<br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">SQ for Quilt Selection Filter<br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">SG for Geometry Selection Filter<br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">
The following keys are also starting to wear out:

ED: Edit definition<br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">ER: Edit references (without rolling back the features)<br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">DE: Dynamic edit

Are also good.

If you have any more suggestions, maybe post them in the same format as above to make referencing them easier.


Edited by: SW
Maybe everyone isn't stuck with a 19" monitor like I am, but if you are this works well for me. If you have a mouse with programmable buttons, set on of the buttons to something like F11. then put this in your

mapkey $f11 ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `resizer_button_1`1;

It toggles the model tree....really handy if you don't have a large monitor.
I use PO for toggling preselection highlighting on/off. That is really
helpful in assemblies.

po @MAPKEY_LABELPreselection Highlighting On/Off;\
~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `psh_sel_filter`;\
~ Activate `selprefs` `PrehButton`;~ Activate `selprefs` `Ok`;
Volunteer said:
Maybe everyone isn't stuck with a 19" monitor like I am, but if you are this works well for me. If you have a mouse with programmable buttons, set on of the buttons to something like F11. then put this in your

mapkey $f11 ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `resizer_button_1`1;

It toggles the model tree....really handy if you don't have a large monitor.
I remember 19" monitors, last had one in the mid '90's.

I'm thinking my 26" is getting too small.
SF Select Features
SA Select Annotations

These are all based on the Order of Selection list
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 so SF,SG in Sketch or Assembly will select something else for mine I use "x?" for drawings and "q?" for Assembly selections or anything else.

DA Display Axes
DC Display Csys
DD Display Datums
DX Display Points
DT Datum Toggle

GA taGs Axes
GC taGs Csys

GD taGs Datums

GX taGs Points

GG taGs Toggle

TP Toggle Panel - Model Tree
TB Toggle Browser

0o Options
0c Customize Screen
0s System Colors



Edited by: mjcole_ptc
I have one called LDS, it strips the part of all its layers and creates our layers. Then it puts all the features on to their repective layer (i.e. axes, csys, planes, planes GDT...) It comes in handy sometimes especially with external data or bringing legacy data up to date.

30" monitor
, I'd be happy to upgrade my dual 19s for a set of 24s. I remember the days of a single monitor, I don't think I could go back to that.
A few of my favorites -

q- Change smart filter to quilt
a- Change smart filter to geometry
z- Change smart filter to smart

era - edit-resume-all
rfv - insert mode

F1 Toggle base planes
F2 Toggle aux planes
F3 Toggle pnt/axes/csys
F4 Toggle surfaces
F5 Toggle solids
F6 Toggle curves
F7 Add quilts to layer
F8 Extrude surf
F9 Through all
F10 Revolve surf
F11 Draft check solid
F12 Save and close
Here's a list of the mapkeys in my vonfig. I actaully use most of them quite a lot...

< http-equiv="Content-" content="text/; charset=utf-8">< name="ProgId" content="Word.">< name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 11">< name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 11">



(automatic) rr

Repaint rp

Hide selected component aa

Show selected component ee

Show all components ae



mechanism am

Animation an

Standard as



Insert mode ein

parent of selected el


Create publish geometry pb

Insert external copygeometry ke

Cross Sections


Deactivate cross section xx

cross section A xa

Activate cross section B xb

Activate cross section C xc

Activate cross section D xd

Flip cross section xu

Data exchange


Export drawing to .ps pdf

Export drawing to .dxf dxf

Display Anzeige


Toggle component transparency tr

Shade component sc

Wireframe component dr

High quality display settings hq

Low quality
display settings lq

Toggle show edges kan

Toggle show silhouette edges sil

Activate Master Style st

Show all reference elements <<

Hide all reference elements >>



Add (2x) to dimension 2x

Insert break in leader eu

Insert diameter symbol dm

Show M for
thread instead of gew

diameter symbol

Flip dimension arrows pp

Remove tolerance of txx


Set tolerance of selected t01

dimension to

Set tolerance of selected t02

dimension to

Set tolerance of selected t05

dimension to

Set tolerance of selected t10

dimension to

Update table with repeat regions ta

Hide selected dimension ww

Family Tables


Family Table Dialog ft

Verify Family Table fv

File Operations


Open assembly oa

Open Drawing od

Open part op

Open generic part for og

active family
table variant .

Open drawing for active oz

part or assembly



Show layers
with reference elements fb

Show all layers fe

Hide all layers fa

Restore saved layer status fz



distance ma

distance mm

diameter md

surface area mf

angle mw

Measure from
plane me

Measure pair distance mp



Sketcher references dialog ref

Exit sketcher without zz

saving changes

Orient sketch to sketch plane sp

sketch to sketch plane
I have a handful of mapkeys that I find useful but to be honest, I have been using them less and less as WF incorporates more selections with the right mouse button or with better icons.

Back in the pre WF days, certain actions definitely took a long time to complete but much of that has been improved.

I will say that all the mapkeys I use are left hand only so I don't have to take my right hand off the mouse. left hand only makes sense but also limits the keys you have available to use!
I come from an Autocad background, and the right hand on the
mouse with the left hand on the keyboard (or the other way round if
you are that way inclined) is extremely quick. Autocad works better
for this as the command waits for confirmation by hitting the
spacebar with the thumb, so multiple commands can start with the
same letter. Even the right-click options can't beat this for speed.

@copyboy: I have written an external script with AutoIt, whichretrieves the name of the drawing and opens the part/assy with the same name in ProE.
If you want to I can send it...
I also have a script to open the generic part when you have an instance open.

One of these operations is now implemented in WF5. I don't remember which one is.

Edited by: Zestje
I have a bunch of company mapkeys that I've created to helps us. Some of the most useful are the display mapkeys that quickly turn on or off items that are buried deep in other dialogs. I've placed them in a drop down menu, along with other display related comands:

View attachment 4613

Personally, I have mapkeys assigned to my function keys. Most of these came from my boss from the first company where I learned Pro/E, btu I still use tehm today. In fact, when I go to another user's computer to troubleshoot an issue, I find myself hitting F3 to repaint or F4 to reset the view and wondering why they don't work. Here's the list:

<div style="margin-left: 40px;">F1 Temporary Shade
F2 Default ViewF3 Repaint ScreenF4 Reset viewF5 Toggle Pre-highlighting
F6 Zoom Window
F7 Zoom PreviousF8 Saved ViewsF9 Top View
F10 Bottom View
F11 Front ViewF12 Right View
The items in bold are the ones I use all the time.
dgs said:
I have a bunch of company mapkeys that I've created to helps us. Some of the most useful are the display mapkeys that quickly turn on or off items that are buried deep in other dialogs. I've placed them in a drop down menu, along with other display related comands:

View attachment 4614

Personally, I have mapkeys assigned to my function keys. Most of these came from my boss from the first company where I learned Pro/E, btu I still use tehm today. In fact, when I go to another user's computer to troubleshoot an issue, I find myself hitting F3 to repaint or F4 to reset the view and wondering why they don't work. Here's the list:

<DIV style="MARGIN-LEFT: 40px">F1 Temporary Shade
F2 Default View<BR style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">F3 Repaint Screen<BR style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">F4 Reset view<BR style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">F5 Toggle Pre-highlighting
F6 Zoom Window
F7 Zoom Previous<BR style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">F8 Saved Views<BR style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">F9 Top View
F10 Bottom View
F11 Front View<BR style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">F12 Right View

The items in bold are the ones I use all the time.

How do you create the custom menu?
Hello Zestje.

Can you explain it?

"Important: The script needs the Windows environment variable LANG to be set."

Thanks from Brazil.
@<a style="font-weight: bold;" name="178399"></a>
mwsivier:In Windows an environment variable is set or can be set to define the language. The scripts reads this variable to determine which search string to look for to determine which file to open. At the moment the script works with german, English and Italian langauge, but I'm working on making it ProE dependent only (if that is possible).

The 'lang' variable is set in control panel > sytem > advanced > environment variables.


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