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Movable cross section


New member
Hi All,

Does anybody know a way to get a movable x-section just like other CAD softwares as seen in SW and CATIA??

Ive tried the 'visibilities' command but there is no control of the plane in which the section will take place. as soon as you rotate the part the visibilities cut adjusts accordingly to your rotation.

Is there a better way to have a movable cross section in pro-e.... maybe a command???

Please help..

just create a plane parallel to the plane you want to get a cross section. then create xsec and use the dynamic edit feature on the parallel plane. it woks even better than catia or solidworks.because you can have multiple cross sections. and you can drag them easily.
thanks solidworm

i have done the method that u have suggested but when i do a dynamicedit of the parallel plane it does notdisplay an update of the section in real time. i need to enter/apply the change in my parallel plane dimensions and then only it gives me a solid shaded view of my x section.

as in the other softwares in updates the x section in real time when dragging the plane of xection.

only what updates in real time is the visibility of the x section which is seen in yellow edges.

is there something that im not doing??

please reply
Two methods -

1. Clipping (view - display settings - visibilities)
2. eDrawings (professional version only)
Edited by: MGortner
I'm still missing this functionality quite a lot in ProE. I loved this in I-DEAS, when I worked with it 7 years ago.
In some things ProE really lags behind some other less 'advanced' CAD software.
The visibility clipping in ProE is near to useless...
This is another good reason to upgrade to WF5 - its at M060
now. New Resolve mode is worth it alone. On a new Core i7
its definitely an improved experience.
Edited by: moriarty
If you can only clip in part mode it's still not very useful to me, since the main reason to use clipping is to check distances and interferences in assemblies.

For single parts I only use clipping to check/estimate wall thickness of plastic parts in 3D, which is also important functionality missing in ProE. ProE offers only 2D thickness measurement.
Let me first say that the movable cross section in SW is a lazy habbit to say the least. You should be using a detail drawing and move the cross section parametrically in the part to update the cross section shown as a detail drawing. In this way you can measure you clearance or interface.

The SW way gives you nothing except gross interfaces.

to accomplish the same in Pro/E .... use clipping plane tools. Again it gives you nothing.
Edited by: design-engine
If you want to measure part thickness have a look at
GeomCaliper - tried a demo a while back and it was
Edited by: moriarty
Yes, GeomCaliper is very cool!
Nevertheless I think functionality like that should be included by PTC for such 'high end' CAD software like ProE.
The problem is PTC would see it as a cost plus module.

Whats worse, it would just end up gathering dust -
Fatigue Advisor is a good example - no development on
this module since it was first introduced - 15yrs? Still
no documentation. Same with all the dynamic analysis
tools in Mechanica.

I think customers are better buying them from the
originators - at least they have an interest in
maintaining them. With PTC you rely on it being in some
managers KPI. And we know what theyre going to be focused
on for the next 10yrs - Lightning.
You hit the nail right on the head there.

/rant & wishlist on:
I.m.o. ProE could be even much better, when PTC would fix and improve on the many major and minor issues in the already (partially) implemented functionality being in the software for years, instead of adding new functionality, which is also often not functioning entirely (but of course, great for marketing). E.g. there are still many issues with regards to user friendlyness and intuitivity. The absolute basis, the sketcher, and also grouping and patterning need to be improved. And why implement a totally new ribbon interface in drawing mode, when we're still dealing with many old-style menus? Now we have a program with 3 (!!!) different styles of user interfaces.
Also selection order of object and action are inconsistent.
These issues are important to me, because those make a program either good/bad or fun/no fun to work with.
/rant & wishlist off:

The movie on the Creo hompage shows dynamic (movable) cross sections through a car assembly. May all my wishes be granted :)
Zestje said:
The movie on the Creo hompage shows dynamic
(movable) cross sections through a car assembly. May all my
wishes be granted :)

I believe you can do that now with ProductView

