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Move parts in assembly with simple rep?


New member

I have an example assembly with 3 parts.
Grey = part1 (base)
blue = part2
green = part3

See pic:

Part2 has 2 variants, which are only different in 1 dimension, which determines its position to the main coordinate system. So I use the variants to give part2 diffent positions in modeling space relative the the main part.

now I have referenced part3 to 3 datum planes of part2, because I always want part3 to move with part2!

Now when I make a simple rep and replace part2 with its variant 'moved', part3 does NOT move with part2! When I look at the placement defenition I see that its references are missing, even though the variant of part2 contains the exact same refence planes!

see pic:

However, when I start with the master rep and use RMB to replace part2 in the tree with its variant, part3 DOES move with part2!!

see pic:


Now my questions are:

Why doesn't this work with simple rep?
How do I get this to work?

Reason: I'm working on an assembly where several parts (3 to x) are all refereced to part 2, and I want to be able to move all of these with part2 to display different positions relative to part1.
(I do not want to add all the parts 2,3, and so on to a subassemby, because I want to do the exact same thing with part 3 later on, where part 3 functions as base part for another part. I tried using subassemblies but this turns into a big mess, because the main assembly doesn't display simple reps from subassemblies and I just couldn't get it to work the way I want it. Having just 1 assembly to create all the simple reps allow me to switch easily between all combinations.)

Thanks for any help!

Edited by: Zestje
If I understand correctly you have more than one instance
of part2 in the master rep and are showing different
instances in the simp rep? And you expect part3's assy
references to be transfered to different instances in each
simp rep? If so, that's not how it works. Simplified
Representations are not the same thing as Configurations.

What I'd do (not knowing about any other criteria)
is create a Family Table assembly and vary the offset
distance defining part2's position.

Apologies if I'm completely missing the point.

Too bad it doesn't work with simplified reps. Using a family table as you suggested it worked. It's 'not as easy to keep a clear overview when working with subassemblies, but I'm glad it works at all!

Thank you for your help!

Edited by: Zestje

