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movement limitations in mechanisms


New member
I have a newbie question, but I can't find any answer in any tutorial I have so:

I know how to make mechanism, but I don't know how to limitate a movement of the mechanism. For example - I have a base cylinder ending by "bouncers"and ring slideing on that cylinder. Problem is, that the ring slides through the bouncer, out of the cylinder to the empty space.

I expect, that there are some possibilities to make some plans or points to limitate movement of the ring but I can't find how to make it.
look up "joint axis Settings" in the help

From Help.
<H1>About Motion Axis Settings</H1>
Motion Axis settings control the motion axes in your mechanism. Use the Motion Axis dialog box options to control the:
<LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Bulleted">
current position of the bodies joined by the motion axis connection
<LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Bulleted">
geometric references used to define the zero position of the motion axis (for legacy mechanisms before initial position references are set in the component placement dashboard)
<LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Bulleted">
position at which the motion axis will regenerate during an assembly analysis
<LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Bulleted">
limits to the motion allowed by the motion axis
<LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Bulleted">
friction force resisting the axis motion</LI>[/list]
You cannot define motion axis settings for a ball joint. In addition, you cannot edit a rotational motion axis that belongs to a multiple-rotation DOF connection such as a 6DOF or general connections.
Mechanism Design references the settings you define in the Motion Axis dialog box when it drags your mechanism and during analysis runs. When you specify a servo motor profile or the unstretched length of a spring, the zero definition is used for reference.
See Also
Degrees of Freedom
About the Motion Axis Dialog Box
To Specify Motion Axis Settings
To Specify a Configuration for Assembly Regeneration
To Set a Range Limit
To Specify a Friction
About the Profile Tab in the Servo Motor Dialog Box
Motion Axis Spring

<H1>To Set a Range Limit</H1>

  1. <LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered>
    Select a motion axis from the Model Tree or directly on the model. Right-click and choose Edit Definition from the shortcut menu. On the Motion Axis dialog box, enter a value for the Minimum and Maximum limits.</LI>
Note: To check whether the limits provide the expected range of movement, use the Drag command.

  1. <LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered>
    Click Dynamic Properties, check the Coefficient of Restitution checkbox and enter a coefficient value.
    <LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered>
    Click OK.</LI>

So I hope this helps,
Edited by: james.lynch

