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Moving a part to a datum


New member
I have an imported part that has the datum planes way off the part. I know there is a way to move the part by referencing the datum to a point on the part. I just can't remember the command. If memory serves me, the command was in the menu barand was a command one would not expect it to be.

All I can remember is an expert showed me once how to do this by first measuring from the datum to a point on the part. Then moving the part in that direction by entering the measured distance. Please help!! I have to do some work on this part for a presentation next week.

I tried to include a screen dump of my problem but can't seem to do that either.
Edited by: sonics
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Hey Sonics

If I understand you correctly, all you need to do is select
the first feature. Than left click and select "edit". There should be
dimensions that relate the feature position to the datum planes. You should be able
to type in zero for these dimensions (or redefine them in sketcher) and have
the part moved to the correct position.
Hope I understood the problem correctly
Dear Sonics

first make a new part sothat you will get default planes make a new co-ordinate system by using default co-ordinate system.for this just click on the co-ordinate system icon and select default co-ordinate system.

now go to insert menu-shared data-from file-select the iges file(import file)

now you will get "choose solid options and placement" dialog box

click on arrow icon and select new co-ordinate system.

now just edit new co-ordinate system to translate the import geometry.
Thanks for your input. I have imported the file the way ashish has described, but the part is still way off the datums. I wonder if the part was modeled like this and for some reason Pro can't seperate them?
One option.

1) Import the geometry in to a temporary model

2) Create a coordinate system on the imported geometry where you want the orgin to be

3) Save asSTEP selecting the created coordinate system

4)Import the new STEP file into your model.

Another option.

1) Leave the imported geometry as surfaces.

2) Select the surfaces and copy

3) Paste Special - Select Transformations, move and rotate as needed, hide original.

4) Solidify new geometry.

Hope this helps.
sonics said:
I have an imported part that has the datum planes way off the part.

Ah, the imports

Here's what I do if I get a part like that (typically aerospace part that's been modeled in the aircraft coordinates):

- Import the thing.

- RMB the Import Feature-->Edit Definition-->hit DELETE key on your keyboard-->select the offending planes (make surethe planedisplay is ON)-->Done, Done.

- Reframe and enjoy

I hope it helps.
Edited by: marker4x4
It's also a good idea to make sure your accuracy is set to a tight value (i.e., relative accuracy of .0001) before youinsert the shared data. This can help avoid problems with the imported geometry. If it's set to the default .0012 and you want to change it after you've loaded the part file data, you're screwed: delete the shared data or start over with a fresh part template.
marker4x4 said:
sonics said:
I have an imported part that has the datum planes way off the part.

Ah, the imports

Here's what I do if I get a part like that (typically aerospace part that's been modeled in the aircraft coordinates):

- Import the thing.

- RMB the Import Feature-->Edit Definition-->hit DELETE key on your keyboard-->select the offending planes (make surethe planedisplay is ON)-->Done, Done.

- Reframe and enjoy

I hope it helps.

What he said! Data doctor is your friend.


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