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moving geometry in sketcher


New member
Is it possile to move geometry in the sketcher by entering a delta x and delta y? I've looked through all the menus and can't find anything that looks like a command that will translate or move entities in the sketcher.

For example, I have a profile that needs to shift in the y direction +.0134 inches. Instead of changing all the associated dimensions, is there a simpler command?



WF2.0 M170

Edited by: hellomoto
Edit your original profile, and go into sketcher for this feature. On the top tool bar, select "File" and then "save". This saves the entire sketch. Select "done" to exit the feature. Now create a new feature. When in sketcher, on the top tool bar, select "Sketch" then "Data From File". Select the sketch that you just saved. When the dialog box opens, select scale to 1.000 and the rotation to zero. Add dimensions to relate the sketch to existing geometry, ( preferably datums planes or geometry that are before the original feature. When finished, you can delete the original feature. You now have the same feature that has been shifted the way you want it.
while u r in sketcher u can directly select the entities , then right click , cut, and u can paste it where ever u want.
this is available wf2 onwards
Thx guys.
dibz, I don't get a cut option. But, I do get a copy option in the EDIT menu in the top bar.

Appinmi, Saving the sketch and reusing them is what I normally do. I'm just getting a bit impatient with wf2 (btw, I am a newbie, 6 months). The copy and paste method is quick, but you still have to delete the original entities.

Anyhow, thanks guys. This forum is the best. Saved me a ton of time. PTC support and resources S#$C$!


i 4got about wf2. anyways wf3 is having cut , copy , and past option in the right click pop up menu.
Edited by: dibz

Instead of saving the sketch and reuse it which is fine if you want it for later use, you can just select the sketch then EDIT /COPY and it will give you an exact copy of the sketch to place it , scale , rotate, just like when you insert a sketch (data from file).

This way you save some time like 5-10 seconds
Hey Vlad, thx. It is faster. 5 sec can feel like 5 minutes when working against a tough deadline.

Next thing to learn is how to select a chain or loop so I can delete the original faster.

Edited by: hellomoto
hellomoto said:
Is it possile to move geometry in the sketcher by entering a delta x and delta y? I've looked through all the menus and can't find anything that looks like a command that will translate or move entities in the sketcher.

For example, I have a profile that needs to shift in the y direction +.0134 inches. Instead of changing all the associated dimensions, is there a simpler command?

Double click on the dimension. You will now have the dimension ready for editing. e.g. if the dimension is 1" and you wish to increase it by a delta of 0.25", type 1+0.25 and press "Enter).

