Can I import multiple objects (surfaces)into an open part filethen move them to desired locations with respect to each other.
I'm new to Pro-E. I do surface modeling. Because of the enormous size of part files with history trees, and rebuild times, I generally model sections of a part design using Rhino and import these sections into Solidwork, where I move them to the correct locations (part mode, not assembly) then knit (sew/stitch) all surfaces together.
I would like to do same with Pro-E, or any design system that produces better surfaces than SolidWorks, how do I do this in Pro-E?
I'm new to Pro-E. I do surface modeling. Because of the enormous size of part files with history trees, and rebuild times, I generally model sections of a part design using Rhino and import these sections into Solidwork, where I move them to the correct locations (part mode, not assembly) then knit (sew/stitch) all surfaces together.
I would like to do same with Pro-E, or any design system that produces better surfaces than SolidWorks, how do I do this in Pro-E?