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Moving the .proi to a new system


New member
I was asked this by one of the other users here. They just got a new system and are in the process of migrating all of their important files over.

However, the partitionnamesof the new system are different, and they want to know if the .proi can be moved to a new partition with a different name (i.e on the old system, the .proi was on D: and now they want to the have it at F: on the new system).

I am pretty sure that you can't move it on to another system at a different location, but pretty sure is not 100% sure. If anyone can confirm this, it would be appreciated.

Better still, if it can be done, or if it can be done after some executing some fancy scripts or whatnot, please let me know, and this would be appreciated even more.

Thanks in advance.

You can place Intralink local database (.proi) anywhere you want. It does not have to be on same place on all pc's.

You have to set a environment variable to point on the path. If I remember correct then it is: pdm_ldb_path

I know that you can place it anywhere on a system, my question is how can you move a .proi from one system to another if the locations of the .proi are not identical.

e.g.System 1 has multiple workspaces (existing .proi), System 2 is a brand new installation.

System 1 PDM_LDB_PATH=C:\proiclient System 2 PDM_LDB_PATH=F:\proiclient

How can you copy the .proi file from System 1 onto System 2? If you try to just copy & paste the .proi it doesn't work. You can now open the workspaces on System 2 but if you try to modify/update anything you receive an error.

I hope my example description is understandable.
Are you talking about the path to the intralinkclient software or the local database. If it is the software folder then you have to installe it on the new system from the cd.

I think you are talking about the local database folder: .proi. Why moving it? It is good proctice to delete it and make a new on the new system. All that you have in the local w

Thanks so much!! That is exactly what I was talking about! I knew that there had to be some application that would do the trick.

I will try this next week!!

Thanks again.


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