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msengine.exe, why does it always pops up


New member
I use Pro/Mechanica Realease 2001, when I use it for analysis, it always pops up 'msengine.exe is wrong, need to close up the window, please contact the microsoft supplier.' . THe system being used is windows 2000.

I don't know why, the following measures is already taken: 1. reinstall the Pro/M, which is still the problem msengine.exe. 2. scan the viruses. which is no virus.

Even though I did above, it isn't oK, still 'msengine.exe is wrong, need to close up the window, please contact the microsoft supplier.' .

Who knows the answer, please tell me.

Thanks a lot.

You should contact the Microsoft Supplier
"THe system being used is windows 2000." is your os windows2000 or later ? if not ,pls setup pro/m on windows 2000 or win xp.
Yesterday, I tried several methods to find where the root was. Firstly, I used other colleagues' computers for analysis, however, encountered the same question. And then I utlized It colleague'scomputer to install PRO/M to analyzesimple model.It is ok without the wrong tip when theencrpytion software is closed, But the software is open, the wrong tip popped up and close up the analysis window. So it is caused by the encrpytion software in my company.

Thank you all the same.

