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Multilevel Familytables(Pro/Toolkit)


New member
You know in proe family tables can be created in multilevels. I.e an instance of a family table can possess another table. Is there any way to find out that a family table instance is containing a family talbe with in it.

By using Pro/TOOLKIT I have alredy tried in one method and it is working but the problem with that is it takes lot of time. I am giving the method that I used. Can any one suggest an alternative for this.

Method that I used

1. Visit all the Instances of a family table

2.For each instance retrieve the model handle of the instance by using the function ProFamInstanceRetrieve();

3.Now check whether that model does have a family table. I used the function ProFamTableCheck();

4.If it is having the family table then I consider it to be a multilevel family tables case and read the info related in a reccursive way.else I came out of the loop

In order to know whether an instance is having family talbe or not,I used the function ProFamInstanceRetrieve() which inturn loads the promdl handle of the model that belongs to that instance. When there are large number of instances available in the root model It consumes lot of time.

looking forward for a better solution....

with regards,

Praveen Kumar Thota
Edited by: praveen_nasar
Hello Praveen,

What ever you followed it the only way to carried out to ge the intended results.I was tried in the same way what you explained.I made work around to get the general way of the visit function to get the handels in one go,but fortunately there is not enough proviosion for Family table due to some technical reasons.

I don't think applicaiton does take much time, hardly take in terms of minutes,not hours.I hope it is acceptable any Pro-Toolkit application to build.

Which company are you work for?

Kishore V
I don't fully understand what context you are trying to work in. At the point you are trying to get this info areyou in the first level instance?

Anyhow have you tried this function? Check out the "Immediate" argument.


ProMdl inst_model

/* (In)

The handle to the instance model.


int immediate

/* (In)

If you set this to TRUE, the system searches for the immediate generic. If this is FALSE, the system searches for the top-level generic.


ProMdl *gen_model

/* (Out)

The handle to the top-level or immediate generic model.





The function successfully retrieved the



The specified model is not an instance --

it has no generic model.


A general error occurred and the

function failed.
Hi kishore,

Thanks for trying, Ibelive an alternate way is possible only if there istoolkit function to get the family table handle directly from the instance. i.e. instead of getting the instance's promdl handle and then the family table handle.

As you mentioned it does not take much time if it is just a single part having a family table but, it really matters whenthe model is a huge assembly having family table and with many instances. Because for each call of ProFaminstanceRetrieve() the function loads the model of the insatnce and regenerates it. I think I have to compromise with the current method or see some work around. By the way I work for Triad Software Pvt Lmt. Chennai.

with regards,

Praveen Kumar Thota
Hello Praveen,

Let me share if you get can solve by optimized solution on Family table instacne collection.I am aware of Triad,my senior works in the same since long years.When do you join Triad?

My senior name is Buddaraju Anil Kumar Raju.

It is nice to hear from you.

Thank you

Kishore V

