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You know in proe family tables can be created in multilevels. I.e an instance of a family table can possess another table. Is there any way to find out that a family table instance is containing a family talbe with in it.
By using Pro/TOOLKIT I have alredy tried in one method and it is working but the problem with that is it takes lot of time. I am giving the method that I used. Can any one suggest an alternative for this.
Method that I used
1. Visit all the Instances of a family table
2.For each instance retrieve the model handle of the instance by using the function ProFamInstanceRetrieve();
3.Now check whether that model does have a family table. I used the function ProFamTableCheck();
4.If it is having the family table then I consider it to be a multilevel family tables case and read the info related in a reccursive way.else I came out of the loop
In order to know whether an instance is having family talbe or not,I used the function ProFamInstanceRetrieve() which inturn loads the promdl handle of the model that belongs to that instance. When there are large number of instances available in the root model It consumes lot of time.
looking forward for a better solution....
with regards,
Praveen Kumar Thota
Edited by: praveen_nasar
By using Pro/TOOLKIT I have alredy tried in one method and it is working but the problem with that is it takes lot of time. I am giving the method that I used. Can any one suggest an alternative for this.
Method that I used
1. Visit all the Instances of a family table
2.For each instance retrieve the model handle of the instance by using the function ProFamInstanceRetrieve();
3.Now check whether that model does have a family table. I used the function ProFamTableCheck();
4.If it is having the family table then I consider it to be a multilevel family tables case and read the info related in a reccursive way.else I came out of the loop
In order to know whether an instance is having family talbe or not,I used the function ProFamInstanceRetrieve() which inturn loads the promdl handle of the model that belongs to that instance. When there are large number of instances available in the root model It consumes lot of time.
looking forward for a better solution....
with regards,
Praveen Kumar Thota
Edited by: praveen_nasar