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Multiple param./Single Analysis Feature?


New member
This is my first time using the analysis feature. I am trying to clone a dynamic model of a suspension systemthat uses a singleanalysis feature which creates 3 measurement parameters: HEIGHT_1, HEIGHT_2, and OFFSET_1. Now, to complicate matters, the model I am trying to clone (or the original), brings upa menu when I edit definition, and the NEW assembly (or clone) that I am trying to create, brings up a dialog box which is very similiar to the one that "offset surface" uses, with a "next" and "back" button. I am assuming that the analysis feature in the original model was done in 2001 or older, and thats why the old style of menu pops up when I select "edit definition".

Anyway, I can create the analysis feature and define the first parameter with what I want it to measure without any problems... But I cannot figure out how to ADD the other two measurements to the feature.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Edited by: colt223
You might need to be more specific with what parameters you are looking for, but when I use that feature, it is for maintaining mass properties (volume, mass, Cg, etc.), so I select Model Analysis as the "Type", then under "Result params" there is a list of the parameters. Just select the ones you want and click Yes for "Create". If this is not what you are talking about, you will probably need to be more specific.
I amtrying to create3 measurement parameters. It allows me to "tell it" the first distance I want to measure (vertex to plane), but I do not know how to force it to make 2 more measurements (another vertex to plane, and a plane to plane). The model I amattempting to clone has an analysis feature, which does exactly this. It does 3 measurements and enters them asthree parameters. (HEIGHT_1, HEIGHT_2,and OFFSET_1) I am able to get ONE measurement (HEIGHT_1) and then it wants me to end creation of the feature - rather than allowing me to define the other 2 measurements.
I see no option to create multiple measurement parameters in one Analysis Feature. Are you sure that the model you're looking at uses only one analysis feature with three measurements? Otherwise try creating three analysis features.
Yes, I am absolutely positive that it creates 3 measurements in a single analysis feature. However, as I mentioned before, when I "edit definition" on that old model... instead of the new dialog box, an old 2001 style of menu pops up instead, so it's difficult to be able to decipher exactly how they did it.
Are you sure that the other measurements aren't parameters created by relations? I use multiple measurement parameters in Analaysis features. There is one 'locked' parameter (source Analysis Feature) and other 'locked' paramters (Source Relation). These are the ones that I've created myslef. Have a look at the feature parameters feature level, not part level) to see if there have been any created by relation. I don't think you can make multiple measurement paramters any other way.

Hope this helps,

I am very confused. When I view the parameters (of the assembly) the 3 parameters (HEIGHT_1, HEIGHT_2, and OFFSET_1) do not show. They only come up when I edit the definition of the analysis feature. There, I can pick them, and the system highlights the entities being measured and displays the value (or distance) of each (HEIGHT_1, HEIGHT_2, and OFFSET_1) respectively.

ALSO, if I try to show feature parameters and pick the analysis feature, there are NONE. So.... where are they????

No feature relations for the analysis feature either - NONE. So... no feature parameters OR feature relations for the analysis feature "AIRSPRING". Yet... when I edit definition of the "AIRSPRING" analysis feature... I get THREE "thingies" (whatever the hell they are) called HEIGHT_1, HEIGHT_2, and OFFSET_1)

This is what shows up for relations (assembly):


Notice they all reference the "AIRSPRING" analysis feature. WOW. It's been a while since I've been this frustrated.
You might find that somone has put relations in at feature level on another feature. I'd have a look and see. If they're valid relations (and you seem to be sure they are) then they must exist somewhere in the model. If it's not too large an assembly then I could take a look at it for you. My e-mail address is [email protected]
I checked all the other features in the assembly for relations, and there are none. I will check all the subassemblies, and all their parts and features. It will take forever but I don't know what else to do.

I appreciate your offer to look at it, but I'm pretty sure that if I did that I might not ever have to worry about it again,since this is customer proprietary and I'd probablywind upin the unemployment line for that one. Thanks anyway though.

If you think of anything else, please let me know.

Thanks again.

