We currently only show the most recent revision description, date, etc. on a drawing. We've been doing this for years and years but I can't recall why we decided to go this route when we implemented Intralink. Can anyone refresh my memory on the why we might have decided to go this route and/or what options one has with multiple revision history line entries when implementing Intralink?
Also, how easy or difficult would it be to create a new drawing format that would pull in from Intralink all the desired previous revision history of any particular part number and show it on the drawing? We use many user-define Pro/E paramaters/Intralink attributes (as well as several system-defined attributes) in our start part model files and they are given values in Intralink and then automatically displayed on our drawing formats.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
We currently only show the most recent revision description, date, etc. on a drawing. We've been doing this for years and years but I can't recall why we decided to go this route when we implemented Intralink. Can anyone refresh my memory on the why we might have decided to go this route and/or what options one has with multiple revision history line entries when implementing Intralink?
Also, how easy or difficult would it be to create a new drawing format that would pull in from Intralink all the desired previous revision history of any particular part number and show it on the drawing? We use many user-define Pro/E paramaters/Intralink attributes (as well as several system-defined attributes) in our start part model files and they are given values in Intralink and then automatically displayed on our drawing formats.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.