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Multiple Revision Descriptions on Drawing


New member

We currently only show the most recent revision description, date, etc. on a drawing. We've been doing this for years and years but I can't recall why we decided to go this route when we implemented Intralink. Can anyone refresh my memory on the why we might have decided to go this route and/or what options one has with multiple revision history line entries when implementing Intralink?

Also, how easy or difficult would it be to create a new drawing format that would pull in from Intralink all the desired previous revision history of any particular part number and show it on the drawing? We use many user-define Pro/E paramaters/Intralink attributes (as well as several system-defined attributes) in our start part model files and they are given values in Intralink and then automatically displayed on our drawing formats.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
When you create a note with the intralink revision it always displays the current revision. To use the revision history you have to add the revision note manually.

That is probably why you chose the most recent revision route.
Is there any drafting standard out there that dictates whether older revisions must be shown on the drawing?
I'm not sure if there are any specific drawing standards out there specifying how many revisions have to be shown, but I have seen them shown either way. It would be nice if there was a standard becuase where I work, we show as many revisions as will fit in our titleblock and once we run out of room, we delete all the old revisions and then add the new one. Doing it this way makes it nearly impossible to automate the process becuase we are always adding and deleting table rows. Does anyone have any good ways to automate revisions when more than one has to be shown?
Our drawings may show 2,3,4 revisions. We sanitize the change block when it gets too long or when the new revision has many changes and the change block would run into the title block. I should have prefaced this post in that our formats have the tltle block in the lower right and the change block in the upper right. One thing we have going for us is our internal design standards which contain a list of standard revisions to be used in the changed block but most of the time is an A WAS B type of change. We go through the same thing Feisthammela, I feel your pain....
Thanks, audctrl. It is nice to know that we are not the only company with this problem. For the company I work for, I think showing multiple revisions is one of those things that was not a problem back when we used AutoCad more, so we did it.However, we areworking on transitioningto Pro/Enow becuase it has lots of other advantages compared to AutoCad, even though certain things we used to be able to do in AutoCad easily are cumbersome in Pro/E. The thing is too, is we keep voided copies of drawings every time we revise them, so it's not like you would lose revision history if only the last revision was shown. I think people get used to seeing more than one at a time, so changing to show only one revisionwould probably bedifficult because ifsomeone wanted to see what was changed more than one revision agothey would have to look at a different drawing.
We use intralink and is able to open all old revision from Intralink. So we only show the latest revision text on the drawing. This is comming from some parameters in the model. That mean we do not have this problem. We had a lot of discussions when we remove the multi revision text (autocad). We decided to give it a try. Now after 6 years I can count on one hand when any have ask to see a old revision. My conclusion is that it is not needed.

On the other hand it should be possible to automate by using parameters.
<LI>Make a set of revision parameters like</LI>
<LI>, rev1.note, -, rev2.note,</LI>[/list]
<LI>Rev1 will always be the latest</LI>
<LI>Make a mapkey that will copy from rev2XX-rev3xx and rev1xx to rev2. This cam be done by using model relations</LI>
<LI>Make a mapkey to ask user for value of rev1xx parameters</LI>
<LI>Show the parameters in a table (I prefer repeat region with filter, because it will not ask for parameters if they do not excist))</LI>[/list]

I have not testet it. It is just a idea. Perhaps all can be done in the drawing. In repeat region table it is also possible to have table relations and table parameters

