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Multiple Select Explode WF 2.0


New member
This might not be big news, but I didn't see it covered in any other "explode" threads, so I figured I'd start a new thread about this. I noticed someone with Pro/E 2001 asking about selecting multiple components to explode. I was having the same issue with WF 2.0, and figured out the glitch.

Here is the procedure to select multiple components (parts and sub-assys):

1. start exploding as usual

2. select "preferences" and then select the "multiple components" button. click ok.

3. select your components using CTRL+ left mouse, either from the model (for parts) or from the model tree for assy's.

4. click ok in the pop-up box

NOTE: you won't be able to move the parts at this point. you should be able to, since your components are selected, and you've pressed ok. but, the glitch doesn't let you!

5. with the components selected, click the preferences button and select the individual components button. click ok.

6. now, if you go back to the model display, you will see all previously selected multiple components move with the mouse. odd, i know. so, place them where you want, click, and carry on with your explosion.

hope this helps!


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