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multiple text line in symbols


New member
I am trying to create a symbol with variable text that has multiple lines. It doesn't recognize that I have a carriage return. How do I create a symbol with multiple lines of variable text?
I don't know that you can do what I imagine you are trying to do. Never tried.

You can, however, create a symbol with multiple var text objects (lines of text) and specify on symbol placement which text objects are shown by defining groups in the symbol. There is a tutorial on symbol creation that explains the process. Think it's on this site. If you can't find it and think it'll help; holler back and I'll dig for a copy and see if I can determine where to find it.
I dug thru my notes and it was apparently a PTC Knowledge Base article titled
"Suggested Technique for Creating a Generic Symbol".

I don't have it but it's really simple to do the lower level groups. Simply create your geometry and var text notes, set up the various attributes, etc. Then pick Group / Create, name it and pick one var text note, OK. Repeat as needed. When you place the symbol there will be a Grouping tab on the dialog and you can select the group(s) to show in the symbol. (You can get more imaginitive with the process, nesting groups, but I've never gone into the more complicated setups.)

The attached might help. Created in WF2.

