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First the question, then the explanation:

With Pro20, how can each user keep their unique settings such as color and button placement etc., while still using a shared

Explanation: Recently, the engineering dept (4 users total)decided to revampt the server file structure to eliminate multiple copies of the same parts, assemblies & drawings. A decision was made as to which folders would be search paths (common files) and which would only be used as working directories.

I've run a search on my local cpu for config.sup and couldn't find it anywhere (do I need it? is it only available for WF X.X? what is config.sup?)

Please advise

Thank you.
Config.sup lives in your Pro/E loadpoint/text directory. It contains config settings exactly like The only difference is that it loads first and the settings in config.sup can not be changed by subsequent files. Usually settings here are ones you never want anyone to change like company_name, override_store_back, etc. I only put a couple of settings in there, some people put most of their settings in there. One word of warning, DO NOT put any mapkeys in there or you will be limited to just 1 mapkey!

I've always heard the config.sup loads FIRST, but it seems like it would be easier from an implementation standpoint if it loaded LAST. That way it could just STOMP on any changes the user tried to make with MaybePTC has been telling us a lie all this time...

You can also have multiple files. We put the master file in <loadpoint>\text and a dummy one in the start in directory, which the users can modify and add mapkeys to. At startup, we then run a trail file which loads a project specific for formats, startparts and such.
Hi Adina,
As per my knowledge color and button placements are saved in and not Hence even if all the users share their they can have their own
Thnks and Rgds
Thanks for all your input but I must be missing something. None of the users have a config.sup nor do we have a <loadpoint>\text directory. PROE 20 loads out of C:\PTC\PROE20\bin\PROE.bat and then starts in a networkfolder containing a and

I must admit I am new to PRO especially when it comes to configuration settings but I am making a tremendous effort to understand all/most of PRO. The others are seasoned PRO users but do not know/understand the nuances.

Please forgive when I ask "How is a config.sup created in ProE 20?" "Once I've created the config.sup, where do I put it & what keys go in it?" "How do you edit a"

At this point I've made a file (contains the keysearch_path) using the keysearch_path_file in a ( is loaded and looks for the file which contains the shared search paths). Using this method I would have to create unique user folders on the network in which PRO would start. I guess I'm looking for something a little more elegant and less brute force.

Again your input on this has help clarify some issues and I thank you for that!

There is always a <loadpoint>\text folder. You are looking too deep. In your case, the <loadpoint> is c:\ptc\proe20. Under this folder is the text folder.

Config.sup is not required. If you use one, it usually contains settings that you, the administartor, do NOT want the users to change. Never put a mapkey in the config.sup.

the best way to set up Pro is to have a common loaded from the <loadpoint>\text and then a local user one from the start in folder. This allows each user to create their own customized settings and mapkeys. I put a 1 line in the start-in folder, so it will be the one that gets mapkeys and settings saved to.
Tools/Costumize Screen is the only way to create/edit Note that it will automatically try to save a new to the current working directory which is usually NOT where you want to save it. A standard should be saved in loadpoint/text, a user should be saved in the user home directory, usually C:/ on windoze machines.

