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Must Hit Current Values Multiple Times


New member
Hi all,

I hope someone out there has had this problem and figured out a fix.

I am using WF3 M100 with AAX. I have skeletons with input
parameters. I using external copy geoms to pull references from
the skeleton to various parts.

The problem I am having is regenerating. When I open and regen a
part drawing that has references back to the skeleton (skeleton that
uses inputs) I must hit Current Values multiple times until all of the
skeleton's inputs are satisfied.

In the main assembly, I use execute statements to push my top level
input params to the skeleton, but I cannot use an execute command in a

This has made making map keys a pain in the arse, as it often gets screwed up because of the inputs "Current Values" prompt.

Any ideas??? I would love to just have to hit regen and default
to current values for all inputs when I am in a part. The only
time I need to be able to enter the parameters are when I first
regenerate the main assembly.

Thanks in advance,

suggest:- regeneration configuration via 'regeneration manager' :-regeneration icon with red spots:- 'skip regeneration'

this problem also exists with Pro-Program.

solution might be to comment out the skeleton header input variables ( in your case the skeleton)when working on the models / drawings& only reinstate them when the model is released.

This obviously runs the risk of leaving the comments (*/) in the header.
Both suggestions sounds interesting.

The one problem with commenting is that the the input variables are
changing multiple times on each of our orders. This is a door
model and the swing and hardware(ie - locks, hinges, etc) are specified
through a text file. So, basically we never use the exact same
desgn. In fact, the design may change multiple times in one
order, as we sell doors and frames of varying size and function.

The one workaround I have found was to dump the built-in PDF icon when
printing (which automatically required a regen) and use the Ghostscript
method of creating PDF files. This method does not require
regenerating the drawing to print it. I don't like the resultant
PDF files as much (it is an image PDF, not an ASCII PDF) but it is way
quicker and gives me a decent result.

Thanks for replying. I have been finding that not many people are
using Pro/E the way we are using it. Due to the nature of our
market, we must be able to quickly modify the design to accomodate the
varying customer requirements. The old way of laying each one out
per job is not efficient and Pro/E has allowed us to more quickly make
extreme design changes through a text file.

However, I have also been finding more and more gray hairs in the
morning and wonder if it is at the detrement to my health and if there
is an easier way.

Thanks again for the great suggestions jbuckl. I hope I have the oppurtunity to assist you in the future.



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