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N-sided blend


Super Moderator
is there a way to create an n-sided blend between adjacent surfaces?
in this case it's a solid body which i want to remove the vertex and replace it with a 3-sided blend (tangent to sides) limited to 3 arcs on adjacent sides like the shape below.

and create something like this:

Thank you.

Edited by: solidworm
Which version of pro-e are you using ? In wildfire 4 I think there are a few more controls in inside the Rad dashboard which allow you to manupiluate the edges to achieve that.
n sided blend is only 5 entities or more. So you will have to be creative with the boundary blend tool. Create a round with a corner sphere to see how it creates the patches and create you network of curves for the boundary blend in a similar manner.

This might be it.

WF 4.0 file. I didn't have time to really look into how good the transistions between surfaces are but you get the idea I hope. Change the exponent in the relation to get a different curvature shape, or try a different rho value.Thanks to Jeff Howard for showing us this technique.
Edited by: mgnt8
interesting the expression "sd11 = d29+ ((sqrt(2)-1) - d29) * sin(90 * trajpar)^5" sd11 is defined in the sweep section as the radius. where is d29 defined? and what's the definition of rho?

Thank you
Dont you have a solution for the same in WF 3.0? coz i am using WF 3.0. I couldn't able to view the part which you attached.
Edited by: Asho Pulsar
d29 is the rho from Sketch 3. Rho is the dimension for a conic. Look it up in the help files. There's a great explanation there including the math behind it.

I don't have WF 3.0 on my machine anymore. If you want to see a similar model look here: 385&KW=fill

and download the model post by jeff4136 and lookat Var Sect Swwep 8 in group 5. He came up with the basic idea.

As he explained it to me, d29+ ((sqrt(2)-1) - d29) allows for an orderly transistion from your intial rho value to an elliptical one because sqrt(2)-1 makes the conic almost a perfect circle. Then, sin(90 * trajpar)^5 ensures tangency andthe exponent keeps the early progression constant for awhile. Do the mathfor different values between 0 to 1 and see this. Pretty elegent solution.

Edited by: mgnt8
-> sin(90 * trajpar)^5 ensures tangency
i'm not sure if it's about tangency because the whole relation modifies the rho value of the swept section. and does not enforce tangency.

there seems to be a problem with the link.

Edited by: solidworm
solidworm said:
i'm not sure if it's about tangency

UR right about tangency along the chain 1 & 2. That needs to be set in the dashboard. However,the curvaturein between is what is being controlled with the equation.
Edited by: mgnt8
'the curvaturein between is what is being controlled with the equation."

yes. and thats something really interesting.
Thank you.
Ichangedthe rho to .300 and set the tangency conditions in the VSS. Looks better. The mesh is less than desirable with a degenerate vertex in one corner

However, the zebra analysis is comparible to how a regular round would look
just by fill command in Catia. Make three sketches and fill it with tengency. environment mapped analisys shown in pic.
Just thought I'd add in addition to what's been offered, for the specific
context; you might just look at Round features. The potential benefits are
simpler, and probably kinder to any downstream process without a practical
loss of 'smoothness', analytic cones and spherical surfaces.

Would you post a neutral of that? I'd like to see what kind of surface(s)
Catia is putting on there.
> saladworks
> think

I think there are only two identities I readily associate with that 'pet' name.
I'm partial to Sortaworks along with Pro/PITA, myself.

Oh! You mean the surface? It's a degree 5x5 'patch' function surface.

If you can't create an untrimmed version in Solidworks you can import in
Pro/E, Edit Definition (the Import feature), and on the Geometry menu select
Surface -> From Surface, then select the fill surface. That will give you an
untrimmed version*. Seeing the untrimmed surface helps, if help is necessary,
with understanding why there will be problems if downstream offset, trim,
join operations, i.e. Thickening / Shelling**, are necessary and why the
surface isn't G1 along the entire boundary***.

* Not precisely a "copy". Pro/E doesn't create surfaces with degree higher
than 3 so the result is a degree 3x3 surface fitted to the original untrimmed
surface. You can get an idea of UV isoparm flow directions using the Offset
analysis tool, as mgnt8 indicated, or, while still in Edit Def mode, use the
Modify tool to view the CVs and Control Polyhedron.

** Will SW Shell inside or out?
Pro/E fails inside and outside isn't something most people would find useful.
(Are surface offsets typically used for tool path creation, i.e. ball end offset?)

*** If that was the intent and assumption.
You can use the Dihedral Angle analysis tool to get a visual plot.

* yes i can untrim the patch and get the underlying 4 sided surface. but SW does not provide any information about mathematical properties of surfaces.

** i was not able to create a shell feature in sw . it actually results in an invalid geometry using the default fast and loose rebuild and fails on the strong rebuild.

*** yes. G1 condition is not applied at vicinity of 3 vertices. surface normals are at approximately 45 degrees. almost like a chamfer.

yeah it's critical to have downstream applications in mind while working on geometry.
you are certainly a knowledgeable cad user, are you a mechanical engineer?

Thanks for your replies.

Edited by: solidworm
I get surface characteristic details from Rhino.
As far as I know ModelCheck is the only indicator Pro/E
furnishes and it just tells you if there are entities
higher than degree 11 (maybe configurable?).

I'm just a CAD monkey. I don't know much.
Only a little more than some about a few things.

