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naming problem


New member
Just visited a client who has a problem i've not seen before.

they are still using 2001 and intralink 3.2 because they have moved to Solid works.

When checking out a part or assembly, it's renaming them to their previous naming conventions, ie control box renamed to r600001.

when checking out, into workspace it shows as r600001 but when you open with pro/e it only sees control box and not r600001.

does that make any sense?
I've seen it before when looking at renamed files in windows explorer (checked out to a workspace folder). That was in 2001 and 3.2

Itlooks likeonly the metadatain the database is renamed and not the actual file name.

Havent checked if it is still the same in 3.4
Yes - rename your parts in session temporarily whilst your assembly retrieves them. Be careful with family table members - you will need to keep your eye on the name of the generic AND your instance. You will need to have a good idea of which part was renamed to what. You will need to open up the parts first and do the rename.

Renaming has always worked this way with Intralink. It's true that the physical file name stored will not change after a rename is made. It is a 'fix' PTC use in order to handle renames. Intralink uses internal tables to cross reference the renamed files. Since Intralink doesn't actually edit the physical files for a rename (open up an assembly file with a text editor and look at the part numbers called up), this is the only way that renames can be handled. Look at some of the 3rd party file management systems - they aren't capable of renaming wthout pulling the top level assembly into a Pro/E session.
If the parts are becoming renamed during check-out then this could be a bug. I think I may have come across similar but it was way back (possibly Intralink 3). The physical file name remaining unchanged after a rename is not a bug though. You could try deleting the local.dbb file (make sure you don't have any workspaces) and try checking out again into a fresh workspace. There is no need to delete the .proi directory.


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