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need data management system names


New member
Hello, I have read all the past posts i can find on this subject and I can only come up with 2 data management systems other than pro/e's systems. Can anyone give me a quick list of others? I have found : design data manager and pulse systems.....
We are a small company with 2 proe users, on a tight budget.
thank you in advance for your help.
If you are on a small budget, then this won't work, but UGS' TeamCenetr can also manage pro/E data.
If you are on a really tight budget, ask yourself if you really need a data management solution for just two users. What do you need from the data manager?

A disciplined approach to folder structure and communication between the users will allow for pretty good control of your Pro/E data. Have a search and see if the file search system in Pro/E will satisfy your needs.

After using Intralink with approx. 15 users, been through a very messy Windchill implementation that was eventually scrapped and more recently set-up a small 5 user department using Design Data Manager, I'dsuggest that you only invest in a data manager if you have the time and money to spare.

As for the other vendors - you've probably got the best two "lower budget" managers - if you really need the data manager functionality, consider one of the web based providers. Apparently they are slower, so you'll need a pretty good internet connection to get effective usage.


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