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Need Help Blending Surfaces


New member
Hello, i'm not a pro at modeling and i need some help from you guys :). I'm trying to blend to surfaces together and ProE wont let me :(. The protrusion on the left is just a circle 3" in diameter .1" thick and the protrusion on the right is made out of 2 circles (2" dia tangent to the center sketching plane) with tangent lines connecting them and then erasing the unnecessary lines. Basically what i'm trying to do is to model a 3" pipe being crushed/squished to resamble to figure on the right, but going from a circle, to the oval shape. I tried variable section sweep with a trajectory using a sketched line, blending surface... etc. and every time pro gave me some king of error :(... please can someone help me model this part and what approach should i take to model it. Your Help is greatly appreciated, thank you.


View attachment 4393
try swept blend

you need the same number segments on each each.. so your circle will need 4 to sync up with the oblong<4>

if it's all twisted then check your start point

I've uploaded a part to help..

View attachment 4398

it can be done easily with a swept blend or a boundry blend - the key and said above is to have 4 breaks in your circle - you will already have 2 by default (split by the horizontal of you sketching plane - add two more at 90 and 270 (break the sketch or sketch 4 quadrants of a circle) to get a smooth surface, I then rotated my extruded surface by 45 degrees allowing me to control the position of my control points within boundry blend

hope this helps!

Edited by: james.lynch


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