Hello, i'm not a pro at modeling and i need some help from you guys . I'm trying to blend to surfaces together and ProE wont let me . The protrusion on the left is just a circle 3" in diameter .1" thick and the protrusion on the right is made out of 2 circles (2" dia tangent to the center sketching plane) with tangent lines connecting them and then erasing the unnecessary lines. Basically what i'm trying to do is to model a 3" pipe being crushed/squished to resamble to figure on the right, but going from a circle, to the oval shape. I tried variable section sweep with a trajectory using a sketched line, blending surface... etc. and every time pro gave me some king of error ... please can someone help me model this part and what approach should i take to model it. Your Help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
View attachment 4393
View attachment 4393