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Need Help! Modelling a Spectacle


New member
Hi all,

I am a newbie here. Really need help on modelling a spectacle for my study. Is there any tutorial or advices that I can follow?

Tq for your help
a spectacle? making or modeling?

you mean a glass piece of some kind?

And do they really have Pro/e on Aruba? They hiring?
Hye all, thanks for your respond

let say if i want to draw a spectacle like this, how could
i start? using blend,sweep maybe? do u guys have any
tutorial that i can follow (it doesn't have to be a
spectacle drawing tutorial, but similar to it)

yup, i want to draw the spectacle frame using pro engineer software (similar like in the picture - taken from tru frame)

Any help, please..

How does your model look right now? any pics?

If there is a specific area you want to know more about , then it
Hye Tobbo,

My problem basically, i don't know how to start.I like to
draw a spectacle just like in the pic above (Posted: 06
February 2011 at 3:17am)or as attached below. i don't know
what feature i need to use to create the drawing.

The sides would be fairly simple VSSs. The lenses look like they are planar but should have some curve to them?

If they are planar you could use an extrude, if not I would project the shape onto a curved surface.

You could make the shapes to "look good" but are you looking for a detailed parametric model?
Hye Jeff Raquet,

tqvm for your quick respond. i would like to say that,
yes i am looking for a detailed parametric model because
i need to do analysis using pro M after that. and the
result will be evaluated for project purpose.

do you have any tutorial for creating this type of
drawing (maybe similar to this one)? The feature that i
familiar are extrude, mirror, pattern and revolve.. i'm
not familiar with other features.


There are a lot of tutorials on the web, use google and you will find it. Youtube is another good recourse for learning pro/E (for free that is , taking a class is better offcourse) you probably won


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