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Need help with making a screw


New member
Hello everybody,

I need to make screws like the one you see in the image I upload.
It is very hard for me because I am very very new in solidworks.

So maybe you have totorials? files? examples for me?
Are there any ready screws which look like mine? or any other ready screw?

Thank you a lot!
Just to be clear this is what i mean when i say screw:
Hear some pictures...

[url] uct=meltpro[/url]
[url] uct=vmixer[/url]

And i just want to make asimple screw... the simplest...

Will appreciate any help!
If you have i-tunes, I recommend checking out the Mountain-Wave video podcast. Just go to podcast directory and search for either Mountain Wave or Solidworks. One of the episodes is called "Springs, Drawings & Weldments", towards the end of this episode is a trick on creating a spiral for a spring, or in yourcase a thread.

If you don't have i-tunes, what you need to do is create two sketches, one with the cross section of the thread, then other is the line for the axis for the thread.

Using the sweep command, sweep the cross-section along the axis, using the twist long path option in orientation/twist type.

The other method, which I used to use before seeing this video, is to sweep the cross section along a helix, for some reason this uses up more processor power then the method above.

If you can't find buttons for the tools I've mentioned, all you need to do is right click on a toolbar (but not the command manager), show the toolbars for the buttons you want to add, then click on the command tab and drag and drop the buttons you want onto each toolbar. For the toolbars I use most I have added all the buttons but as long as you know where to find them then its up to you.

Hope this helps

