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Need nelp importing surface data


New member
Hi all,

I'm a new Creo user and just now coming up to speed on some of the more advanced features.

Currently I'm trying to import surfaces from another Creo reference part I created which I can use as base geometry.

Only issue is that on my part most of the items on "Get Data" tab in my part are not selectable. I'm trying to select the "Merge/Inheritance" menu item but it won't let me. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

-- C
Maybe you have to toggle the switch that allows to import all geometry and not what's marked for export. Sorry I don't have Creo at hand right now I can't be more precise, but there's a video on e-cognition covering the best practices for this task
Merge/Inheritance is more robust than copy geometry for cross part referencing and top down design, in my experience if things go wrong (and they do) it's easyer to recover
Ummmm, what?! These are two completely different animals and copy geometry is a very lightweight AND robust method for referencing geometry from other parts. Merge inheritance features are not meant for top down design. It is intended for merging or inheriting features from existing parts to build a new part.

For this issue, I suspect there may be an issue with licensing. An Advanced Assembly license is required or the Merge/Inheritance functionality will be grayed out.
You are right my mistake, the point was not to use ctr-c ctrl-v and use copy geometry or external copy geometry instead.

