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New Part Creation


New member
Although I have been using Pro E for the past 13 years, I never bothered to use the option highlighted in the picture below.

Could any body tell me the utility of this option.
I use this all the time when making new parts. What you do is take an empty part and set it up with all the things you want to see in a part - parameters that might automatically populate a title block, a particular orientation of the coordinate system, names of datums, named views, relations, and anything else you can think of. Then create a drawing of this part - it might be easy to create some features so you can see the diffferent views that you are setting up. Save this part and drawing - I call mine start-part.

Now, when you use this as a template when creating a new part and check the copy associated drawing box, your new part is already set up with everything you wanted to see. It works with assemblies also.

