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We have just had PDMLink 8 installed and configured. Our install consultant has now left us for his 3 week vacation. I'm now trying to use the system, but only in a testing mode, so I won't screw anything up.

What I am trying to do is Check In an assembly that does not yet exist in PDMLink.

Here is what I have done, and what I need to do:

1. I have successfullyChecked In all "Family Table" parts (fasteners, seals, bearings, O-rings ect...) to a Library. I then "Set State" for all these items to "Released".

2. Next, I open the assembly in Pro/E. I try to save, but it fails. So, I removed all the above mentioned "Family Table" parts from the Workspace. I then saved again, and this time, the Assembly and all required parts save to the workspace.

3. I now need to Check In the assembly and parts, but cannot. All the previously checked in "Family Table" parts have a status of "File Name Conflict". I do not know how to proceed.

Basically, I need the correct procedure for Checking In an assembly that uses parts that are already in the library.
OK. You need to do a few things to be able to work.

1) use 2 accounts at least for your testing. One account has admin proviledges and write access to the Libraries. The other account is a normal user in the Products.

2) Set State back to In Work on your Library parts while logged on as the Librarian or Administrator. This will save you HOURS of time when you need to add a new member. The Library parts are set up to be Read-only to normal users, no matter what their state. You need to check this in the Org Utilities functions.

3) Open your assembly as a normal user. It will open the Library components as Read-only. When you save, only save your non-library parts.

4) My guess on the conflict is that the Library files are marked as new in your workspace, so the check-in will fail since they already exist in the DB. Download the 'new' library parts into your workspace, overridding those that are there. Now that these parts are known and checked-in to PDMLink, your normal parts should check-in with out problems.
The "file name conflict" is the result of the file(s) already being checked into the PDMlink server. To resolve this error you have to "check-out" the files that have the above message and in this case select"REUSE" I will explain below.

When you encounter the file name conflict message you have 2 options. Choose only one.

1. Select the "RESUSE" function if the parts getting checked into common space are the better version.(ie: the parts in your workspace are the better version)

2. Select the "DOWNLOAD" function if the parts in common space are the better version.(you want to overwrite

Here is what you do forreuse. Select the files that have the "file name conflict" message.

Select "check-out"

At the "set Options" page selectthe files again then press the "REUSE" icon then press the "FINISH" button

For the download function.

Select the files in your workspace, press the "CHECK-OUT" icon

In the next screen, Select the parts again then select the "DOWNLOAD" icon then the FINISH button.

Go back to your workspace and the "file name conflict" button will be gone. Now you can check the part(s) in.
Thanks americanauger, that worked well. I chose the "download" function.

Now, all the "file name conflicts" are gone. So I choose the Assembly, hit check in, go thru the menus, and nothing.

It processes, then even goes as far as telling me "Check In Succeded", but the assembly is not checking in. Something is wrong.

Have you ever seen anything like this?

Also, as a sidebar, how do you handle drawing formats? I tried to check a drawing in that had a format, but it wouldn't do it. So I then checked in the format, then tried to check in the drawing again, but it again gave me "file name conflict". I'm sure I could resolve that, but how do I set it up so I don't have to download the format everytime I check in a drawing?
Edited by: gggggggggg
The msg at in the lower left of the screen says the check insucceded. this means that assy got checked in. Your probably confused on why it is still in your workspace.? Thats how windchill is, it keeps the items in your workspace until you remove them. Look at the column in the workspace named "STATUS" if that assy has has "CHECK IN" for the status then it is checkedin.

To remove the assembly and its components from your workspace (WS). Place a check in the box next to the assy and press the remove icon. at the next screen in the RULES section select the pull down for "INCLUDE DEPENDENTS" and select all (this will get all the parts that make up the assy) hit the REFRESH OBJECT LIST button on the right side and then after the screen regens press the OK button. when you go back to the WS the assy and all the parts that make up the assy will be removed from your WS.

I will write later on the drawing issue. basically you have to add(check-in) the formats to a library and then change your to point to the new location in the PDMLink server. The option is pro_format_dir and the value will looksomething like this. wtpub://PDMLink/Libraries/DRAWING-BORDERS
Actually, no, the assembly is not checking in. It says Check In Suceeded at the bottom, but it is not.

I'm still doing something wrong. I'm trying something else right now, but when I'm done, I'll list out my whole (obviously incorrect) process.

Thanks for the help with this, by the way.
OK, here is the process I'm doing:

- all the family table parts used in the assembly are already checked in to the library

- all the components used in the assembly are already checked in to the product

1) Start Pro/E and log on to the PDMLink server. (our file is still active, as we have not yet checked any data into PDMLink)

2) Attempt to save the assembly into the workspace. This FAILS. Pro/E or PDMLink gives no explanation why this fails.

3) Remove all parts from the workspace.

4) Save assembly again. This time, it saves successfully into the workspace.

5) Resolve "file name conflict" by checking all conflicting parts, clicking "add to workspace", NEXT, click all, then "download" and OK.

6) Back in the workspace, all "file name conflicts" are no gone. Parts status is "checked in".

7) Attempt to check in the assembly. PDMLink processes very quickly, and gives the message "check in succeeded". But alas, the assembly is not checking in.

I believe the problem to be that PDMLink is trying to check in the assembly as well as the required dependants. This clearly won't work, as the required dependants are already checked in.

Do you see anything wrong with the process I'm following?

Thanks again for your help. It is much appreciated.
If the parts are already check in Windchill, the checkin screen will show these parts with a RED LINE through them. The red line means the action you are trying to perform will not be applied to these parts. In this case it means the parts are checked in and it can't re-check them in.

Try refreshing your workspace screen. The status column will show what parts are checked in.

Another check is to do a search on that assembly and see if it shows up in the search results page. If it does it has been checked in if it doesnt it means its not checked in.

To find the errors. in your workspace select the "EVENTS" button and then "VIEW MANAGER. The item at the top will show what the error is. You might have to select the underscore "_" to expand the message. Let me know if this worksView attachment 3978

View attachment 3979
As I worked on this today, I came to the conclusion that the problem is that i am not getting the red lines thru the components that are already checked in. When I get to that screen, all the components listed are trying to be checked in again. This clearly is not going to work. At this point, I have logged a call with PTC Tech. Support, and have a guy looking at this. Hopefully he will figure this out. Once I know what is going on, I'll post the results.

Thanks again for helping.


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