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New to Pro-e & New to Forum. Hello.


New member
Hi All,

Just thought that I would introduce myself. I am development Engineer based in the Midlands in the UK, I have mainly been involved with AutoCAD for most of my design / development life and I have just recently been thrown into the deepend and asked to learn Pro-e Wildfire 2.

I have been reading posts on this forum for the last few weeks, especially those posted by CPiotrowski regarding his Mustang models and renders, some excellent work. It seems I will be looked after by some very experienced people here

Well, that should be enough for now. But I warn you all, there may be some very very noob questions being posted within the next few months hehe. After using AutoCad for years, this Wildfire is very alien to me and even drawing a straight line seems hard work.

I am sure I will get there in the end. Looking forward to meeting you all.


hi skint welcome aboard

i am in the opposite boat you are been using pro for 4 years and now getting back into autocad. who in there right mind still uses this tool. Last company i worked for used it for sheetmetal the were to scared to switch to a 3d program thought it could cause delays down the road. like figuring bend radii doesnt slow you down enough.
WElcome to the forum, this is definetly the place to go if you are stuck on Pro. These members are the best on the program. Thanks for the great compliments, I will try to help you out as much as I can.
Thanks both,

Lol CPiotrowski, thanks for the offer.. but I dont think I will be bothering you the genius with my small and stupid problems

Like I say, I am quite the noob. No training and No-one to teach me anything, so literally starting from scratch by myself, all alone in this strange world hehe.

I have managed to create my first model however, and looking quite good I think. I am designing a door hinge for a hardware supplier. Its quite a simple part ( in terms of extrusions ) and it is starting to take shape. If I can, I will try to upload some pictures for you to see my progress.

I noticed that you CPiotrowski started a thread asking for people to post thier progress on certain jobs, modelling & rendering etc. I think that is a great idea.

Anyway, back to the drawing board so to speak.
Paul, Thank you very much, both for the welcome and the site that you linked to.

I have not seen that site during my searching and it seems to have quite an indepth look at ISDX on it, I know I am running before I am even crawling, but the ISDX looks interesting and useful.

Learning slowly, but im still not put off. I will have a model ( perhaps a cube hehe ) online before ya know it !

Thanks again
Dear shint

I am also knew to proE and have taken just one semester so far. There is a lot to learn. Try this helped me out enormously.

Thanks fjack

your right, there is sooooooooooooo much to learn. I have spent a few hours using it now lol... so u can imagine the stage that I am at. However, I have created what I think is quite a complex part of a hinge... the modelling seams much more straight forward than the detailing.

Cheers for the site, sure we will be as good as CPiotrowski in no time
p.s I have just posted my first model into cpiotrowski`s post about rendering... you will see it... but please dont take the piss I am fragile :O)


