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New to WF, need assembly guru


Hello WF gurus,

I have two pipe parts in my assembly. They are both seperate parts, both 2" diameterand havea .200 wall thickness (they are hollow). And as you can see they intersecteach other. What I would like to do is use the smaller pipe to cut the larger pipe off where they intersect, removing any portion of the larger pipe left beyond the o.d. surfaceof the smaller pipe. If I usea"cutout" I still get a small piece of the pipe left inside the hollow portion of the small pipe, which does not work for me. I am not sure what to try next. I have tried Solidfy and Intersect with no avail. Please help, I am lostfiguring out how to accomplishthis seemingly simple boolean operation.

View attachment 440


<DIV>You can either do an assembly cut and choose to make the cut show up in the larger pipe part, or just at the assembly level, or create a cut at the part level. In either case, you would create the cut in the context of the assembly so you can reference the smaller pipe. Make the sketch plane perpendicular to the axis of the smaller pipe. Sketch a circle using the OD or IDof the smaller pipe as a reference. Make the depth option thru all or whatever is appropriate to cut the material away from inside the smaller pipe.</DIV>

If you have Pro/Piping module then you can do it with much ease. If you have tell me and I will send you the solution is pro/Piping. BTW Flex3C package has the Pro/Piping module as well as IOSGEN.


I tried the assembly level cut as you suggested, referencing the small pipe i.d., and removing material through all. That took care of the large pipe portion that was left inside of the small pipe. I alsodid aCOMPONENT OPERATIONS > CUTOUT to take care of the outside cut on the large pipe (using the o.d. of the small pipe as the reference model). These two feature operationsused in conjuction with each other are providing the desired result. Except now I am receiving the following warningmessage during regeneration:

WARNING: ASSEMBLY CUT is entirely inside the model.

Do you know what this means?And additionally how to surpress this message if it is possible?Oram I just doing something wrong...



No, I don't have Pro/PIPING. Sounds as though it may be worthwile if a person does a lot of work with pipes.

Thanks for the reply,

<DIV>For you assembly cut, I think you can reference the OD of the small pipe instead of the ID, and select only the large pipeas the component to be affected by the cut. This way you won't need the cutout feature.</DIV>


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