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(Newbie) how do I use an existing sketch


New member
I know this must have an extremely simple answer, but I just can't seem to find the correct options in the WF4.0 interface...

I have created a sketch, and I want to use that sketch to create a new part (I want to extrude the sketch that I made, and saved in another file). How do I do this?

Make sure its a closed sketch. Just select it and choose the extrude tool. Should turn yellow like glycerin soap.

Edited by: design-engine
How do I select it?

It is not associated with the part I am working on (as far as I can tell). I know how to do an extrude if the sketch shows up in the tree at the left of the display, but I made a sketch in a separate file, how do I use that one?

You have a sketched curve (blue) and you want to extrude that shape into a solid. There are several ways to select that blue curve that you sketched as a separate feature. dont double click it. Just selct the feature on the screen once or out of the m model tree.

Edited by: design-engine
The sketch I want to select is not in my model tree, it is in a separate file.

when I went to file->new I selected sketch, and drew everything I wanted, and saved the file. I now want to create a part based on this sketch...
In the other part (the one you want to copy from), edit the definition of the sketch you want to copy into the new part. Once in Sketch mode, click on "Save" in the File drop down menu. You should now be able to save the sketch as a .SEC file. Note: You may want to add centerlines for aligning the sketch later. on

In the part that you want to add this sketch to, create a sketch feature and select your references. Now once in Sketch mode select Sketch>Data from File>File System and select the .SEC file that you just created. You should now be able to scale, move and rotate the sketch.

Be warned, there is no associativity between the sketch in your original part and the sketch in this new part. If you need associativity, I recommend using Skeletons, but that requires the advanced assembly extension. There is a way to get around using skeletons, but it's too involved for me to describe here.
ricknroll said ...[In the part that you want to add this sketch to, create a sketch feature and select your references. Now once in Sketch mode select Sketch>Data from File>File System and select the .SEC file that you just created. You should now be able to scale, move and rotate the sketch. ]

thats what i ok


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