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not fully constrained


New member
I know this sounds like a "newbee" question but, a component in an assembly i am opening fails regen and says "component not fully constrained." even though it is constrained in 3 directions. I thought someone might have added a draft to it but that would say "invalid constraints." I don't want to just delete them because they are tied to a pattern. Why won't this regen??? I am sick of trying to figure this out!!!
sadrok - post a pic with notes of your constraints (align axis "a" and "b", mate surface "a" and "b", ect..). It is hard to help if we do not know all the details. First I would check that the assumption button is unchecked. Then you have to check that the constraints will lock the X,Y and Z directions. Post your pic and notes and let us see.

Edited by: krow72
The option to "assume" wasn't available. The check box was not showing. The strange thing is, I checked it back in, erased everything from memory checked it back out and it opened fine the third time. GO FIGYA!

