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Notes containing Parameters - Copy/Paste Issue


New member
I've recently upgraded to Creo Elements/Pro from WF4 and have run into a small snag.
My older drawing template/format is having some issues with copying and pasting title blocks consisting of some notes with parameters.

When copying a title block from one drawing to another the parameters are not updating.
However after I copy and paste and then change the note from '&MATERIAL' to '&mATERIAL' it finally connects to the parameter and displays the correct info.
I've tried all forms of regen and update sheet

When I copy between newer drawings there isn't an issue and everything updates normally so I'm hoping its as simple as changing a setting

Thanks in advance for any help
I've had this happen before. It seems that Proe looks at the note and thinks "oh, that hasn't changed" and doesn't reevaluate it. Going in and editing it forces it to look again.

Kinda silly, but I think what you're doing is the answer, unfortunately. Perhaps someone else has a better solution.
Thanks for the responses. I ended up redoing the format with a table that included all my parameters. It didn't turn out quite the way I wanted due to not being able to hide the exterior borders on a few of the parameters but it got the job done.

