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Num Digits in Sketcher


New member
I was contemplating the accuracy discussion on the prouser exploder today while alternately modeling a part (multitasking is my biggest fault) when this related (?) error message came up:

Could not add selected dimension. Try changing Num Digits under Sec Environ.

I see this a lot, and more so (it seems) in WF 5.0. I can't seem to figure out what is the root cause of this dimensioning failure. Is there a sketcher accuracy? It may happen more often when dealing with 'use edge' geometry but I'm not completely sure. Most confusing, I changed the digits to like 10 or 12 and it works, then change back to 4 and it still regenerates now & in later redefinitions.
There is a sketcher accuracy, it is just a scale of 0 to 1. I have occasionally had to change it to get a regen. Seems like it used to happen more frequently way back in the pre-intent-manager days. Maybe they have changed the default behavior in WF5. I downloaded it at home but keep forgetting to bring it in to work.
I just noticed the Relative Accuracy setting under Parameters. How does 0 thru 1 correspond with dimensions, is it a ratio like part relative accuracy?

I see a option for sketcher_rel_accuracy. I didn't have anything set for it previously. Is this absolute accuracy?

That Num Digits error message still seems a little wacky to me but maybe fiddling around with skethcer accuracy will help.

