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Number of CPUs to use.


Helloo everyone,

How can I be sure to mane Mechanica use 2 CPUs? I have a dual CPU (not dual core) Intel Xeon Windows machine and am running a contact analysis at the moment. I would have thought that the CPU usage would settle out to be nearly 100% during a long simulation. I cannot see that both CPUs are being used, even though the environment variable is set correcltly. Are there any config options I need to check?

Has anyone found that turning hyperthreading off actually improves performance in Mechanica?

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Actually theres a config with the same name as this thread...

That config option has been there for a long time but for windows I think its only supported from WF2 and later.

Make a search on CPUs to use in PTC kdb, theres a post explaining this.

